Today In this Post we shared FIA Sub Inspector Test Paper Held on 13 December 2021 at Vertual University Islamabad. Complete Solved Paper MCQs, I collected from different social media pages. Some viewers shared their test experience with us. This MCQs is very important for FIA Test. FIA Today Test paper are given below:
Today #FIA test on 13th December 2021
Test #SI 13 December
- Six takbeer in which prayer (Eid)
- Synonym of Pedagogy (education )
- Which is ternary operator (#)
- Facebook application is owned by (instagram)
- Highest mountain in Pakistan (K-2)
- Short key slideshow from first slide (?)
- Who compiled and collected ahadith in Kufa (?)
- How many famous book revealed (4)
- Substropical desert (Hot and dry desert)
- During simla accord PM of India (?)
- Three tiers of local govt (Union Council ,Tehsil Councel ,District Councel )
- K2 situated in which rang (Karakorum rng)
- Father of Computer (Charles Babbage)
- M.Ali jinnah was a (Lawyer)
- As per treaty of Madinah sacred state (Madina)
- National Floral of Pakistan (Jasmin)
- First state acceded pakistan (Bahawalpur)
- PML stand for (Pakistan Muslim League)
- World longest Glacier situated in ( interstice)
- Muslim League founded in 1906 in which city (Dacca )
- In which year pak defeated South korea in hockey final in Seoul game (?)
- Main cause fall of Muslims (separation from Islam)
- Main focus of Social media (?)
- CPU used to ( Process) the data.
- CU stand for (Control Unit)
- Southwest Africa now called (Namibia )
- In 2012 international campaign to abolished nuclear weapons won which Nobel prize (?)
Test #ASI 13 December
- Internet is the example of (RAM)
- Which Application owned by Facebook (instagram)
- Ms power point is a example of (?)
- Hadith wich prophet muhammad reffer to Allah (Tehreeri ,Quolii or Felli ?)
- Largest dam in pakistan (Tarbela dam)
- Taqwa means (?)
- Which angel responsible to sending Rain (Mekaeel )
- Speaker is (output device )
- Lowest depression of dead sea (?)
- Through air pandemic (covid19)
- Cease fire line converted into Line of control in which year (?)
- Largest lake in the world (pacific )
- Tenure of Chief Minister of province (5 years )
- LDA stand for (Local development Authority )
- Where prophet stayed with Abu bkr RA (Cave Soor)
- Taiwan new Name (?)
- Man of destiny (?)
- No sea or dry port in province (kpk)
- What meant by contiguous Zone (?)
- Line of control originally name (?)
- 2020 olympic game will held in which country (italy)
- Test #Constble 13 dec
- OS stand for (operating system)
- KB stand for (Kilobit)
- Printer is (output )
- Gmail is (?) Email service
- Cntrl+U (underlined)
- Cntrl+B (Bold)
- Data can't store permanently in (?)
- URL stand (Universal resources locator)
- Hadith says best among the persons who (gain resources for others )
- Nawaz Sharif elect as first time PM of Pakistan (1990-1993)
- Cricketer and also PM of pakistan (Imran khan)
- Antonym of planned (undividable )
- Highest Non operation military award (tamgh e basalat )
- Kati Bandar port in which district (thata)
- Against (Bangladesh ) Pakistan highest ODI score
- Total export of Pakistan in agriculture (?)
- Pak won world cup in 2020 in which game (Kabbadii)
- CNN stand for (?)
- Silk road passes (china &india)
- Main memory of computer (?)
- Eid prayer (wajib)
- Which country is not SAARC member (Turkey)